WE HAVE MOVED. Our new location is 32 Selwyn Street, Onehunga, Auckland 1061

Service and Maintenance

Our team carry out regular maintenance programs to keep your air conditioning system working efficiently and effectively and they are fully committed to building up strong relationships with their clients.

Everything you need


When things are not operating as they should, our service technicians are able to diagnose issues and repair or replace parts.

Peace of Mind
Regular cleaning and maintenance will extend the life of the HVAC system and identify issues that could lead to costly repairs if not addressed.
In many cases regular maintenance is required to maintain your system warranty.
Maintenance Plans
Our one-off or regular maintenance programmes ensure the building’s HVAC systems continue to operate efficiently, ensure your building environment is in good health and meets Building Warrant of Fitness standards where required.
IQP Registered for BWOF compliance
We undertake 3 monthly maintenance programmes, and through our registered Independent Qualified Person (IQP) can provide the required documentation for compliance under the local council Building Warrant of Fitness scheme for SS9 Mechanical Ventilation or Air Conditioning and SS5 Escape Route Pressurisation Systems.

Help is just around the corner

Contact us to discuss your service and maintenance needs, explore available options, and request a personalized quote.